Frequently Asked Questions

Got a question? We’re here to help.

  • What are JP service cycles?

    Monthly, BI-Monthly, Quarterly, and annual servicing.

  • Why should I hire JP?

    Your JP service tech can inspect, implement, and devise a treatment strategy for your pest issue. He will be dependable, courteous passionate in delivering you the best service and solutions for your home or business.

  • Are pest treatments going to harm my pets?

    Generally, no treatment should be harmful to pets; JP Pest Control Services technicians application is performed properly and re-entry of pets are specified to customer. 

  • Why do some pest costs more to treat?

    No two pest issues are the same, having a specialized IPM to properly treat and cure pest problems. Pest treatment have varied cost due to the nature of the pest issue, materials to impact pest problems and degree of overall control.

  • Standard PC treatment

    Inspect and take assessment of any pest issues that exist, implicate an integrated pest management and treatment strategy, going over any issues with customer

    Treatment plumbing areas, doors and windows pay attention to small gaps and pinhole areas as these maybe points of entry. Only apply what is needed, where needed point out structural issues, environmental issues and causes for particular pest issue.

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